Hello My Lovlies
So it has been a while, but I am back. Where have I been?
Well it was my final year of my degree and that took a lot of my time because I was working part time. So juggling work and uni was hard and time consuming because my weekends I was typing out my assignments and collecting information for my dissertation. Then weekdays I would be working in a primary school. Honestly I would not change my experience because I learnt a lot about myself and I learnt more about my industry. I had a different uni experience because I lived at home and was communing to work then uni. This last year taught me that you needed a lot of motivation and determination because you will be stressed and you will be sleeping late. Anyways I will leave my experience for another blog post.
I needed the break from blogging to concentrate on my degree. Now I am back and ready to post more for you guys. I have missed uploading and really wanted to post some here and there but I knew time was limited.
I am back and ready!
Take care and lots of love
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