Saturday, 5 November 2016

My Hijab Story

Hello My Lovelies

Today's post is a very personal and something about my life which I changed for the better. This all happened on July 13th 2015. As you all know I am a Muslim and a very proud one. Last year was the year I started wearing the Hijab everyday till I die. Wearing the hijab was a choice I made and I don't regret at all. Before July 13th I been having deep thoughts and questioning myself 'am I ready', 'should I start now', 'will I be treated differently and 'will people try and hurt me'. All these questions were going through my mind for about 2 years because I felt something which needed to changed. 

So after questioning myself, I finally told myself 'Look just do it what is there to loose and how will you know what will happen if I don't try'. So few days before I told my sister 'What would you do if I started wearing the scarf' and she gave me a look like you really asking me this question. Then she replied 'It's your choice and I wouldn't mind'. Then I asked my mum and as mothers she gave me a pep talk. Do this for the right reasons and once you do it, you have to wear it all the time. My mum also said you should wear it and it's good for a woman to. Mums advice are always the best because they know you better than anyone else. 

So my sister and mum were both happy for me to it. The Monday came and I woke up and felt like I should start. So I did and went to college and to be honest no one even cared. My sister saw me that day and she was shocked to see me because she wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly. So I finished the day feeling very happy and different in a good way. I felt like this was something I needed to do because I am getting closer to Allah (SWT). 

I have to say when I went to work people were very shocked to see me wearing the hijab. Some thought I was only wearing it because Ramadhan was coming and once it was over I would take it off. However I kept it on and I told them I didn't do it for that reason I had my own intentions. Some also thought I was forced to wear it by my parents which I really wasn't. If my mum forced me would I not be wearing the hijab already. My mum always told me if I forced you to wear it, your intention would be to please me and not Allah. Also when you get older you might take off and that's even worse. To be honest I agree with my mum. Like your intentions should be for the right reasons. Some thought I was wearing it because I was getting married. When they told me I laughed and was like no way. I'm only 19 and I'm not ready for that just yet. Also side note I wouldn't start wearing the hijab because I'm getting married. My husband should be happy with the way I am and how I look. He should respect that I need time and the intentions are right. Don't let a guy force you to wear it because that is so wrong. 

Anyway moving on, over a year later I am still wearing the hijab and I am loving it. My scarf collection is growing and I have many colours. I don't wear printed scarf but I am planning on starting to. So that when I wear an all black outfit my hijab will be the statement piece. 

All the thoughts I was thinking was just me being scared and nothing changed. All my family and friends treated me the same. Alhamdulillah I haven't experienced anyone trying to hurt me or trying to take off my hijab. So all of my thoughts I was thinking was me just being scared and I should of had more faith in Allah (Swt). 

For anyone woman wanting to wear the hijab. My advice is go for it and don't be scared like me. Allah will guide you and he will protect you no matter what. Wearing the scarf can be challenging (know what clothes to wear) but really you have so many blessing with it as well.

So thats my hijab story and hope you have enjoyed it. Something personal and hope you got to know a little better. 

Take care

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