Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015 - Part 1

Some Images of 2014

Hello Lovelies


I can not believe we are in 2015 where has 2014 gone. For me I feel we are still in 2014 because it just went so quickly. I have to say 2014 has been quite eventful and challenging however there were good memories. Its now time to make new goals and resolution for 2015. 
Highlights of 2014

I have to say the main highlight of 2014 was definitely going to Italy during the summer. I had a lovely holiday with my family and friends. It was my first time going during July/August and I would recommend going at the time. It is always sunny and lovely. We are planning on going again during summer no more going in October. 

Another highlight is finishing my A-levels. In May I finished Year 13 which meant it was time for me to leave my secondary school. I have been at the same school for 7 years. It was a really weird experience leaving because I was never coming back in September. In a way I was glad I was finishing because it meant I was able to start something new and pursue my career as a teacher. 

September I started my Foundation Degree in Educational Practice, I absolutely love this course because I am being independent and my tutors are always helpful. I am in college at the moment but after 2 years I will go into university for a 1 year to top up to make the Degree into a BA. Hopefully everything will go to plan for me. 

Year 13 prom was a good experience and I really did enjoy it because I was with all my friends. Would always want to go back and re-do it again because everyone was happy and there was no fights what so ever. 

There were also a few wedding I went to during 2014, I love weddings because it is a time to get all dressed up and wear a beautiful dress. It was great fun and all the brides looked beautiful. I also went to my first Asian type wedding, it was a really good experience because I got to see another culture and their celebration. 

Passing my driving test for the first time. At the end of January I passed my driving test which was really exciting and overwhelming experience since this your first step of being independent because you don't rely on your parents for lifts anymore.

2014 I started my blog as well, I always wanted to start one and thought it would get out of my comfort zone and just DO IT because I enjoy watching YouTube videos and readying blogs. I loved trying new products, so why not try a blog and tell others my opinions.

These were just a few of the highlights. What were your highlights of 2014?
Love Amina


Saturday, 25 October 2014

20 Facts About Me

This tag has been going around and I thought I would do it because it will be a good idea to get to know me as a person. Here it goes...

1. I'm a proud Muslim
2. I put my family and friends first than myself
3. I'm half Italian and half Kenyan
4. I'm a loving and caring individual
5. I'm not a morning person
6. I LOVE my sleep
7. Want to become a Primary School Teacher
8. Scary thinking I'm 20 next year
9. I'm a Christmas Baby
10. I wanna become a 'Hijabi'
11. I have a VERY BIG family
12. I LOVE my food
13. I want to learn Arabic
14. Onesies are the best invention EVER
15. I wanna go to Disney Land
16. Would love to travel the World
17. I love chocolate 
18. I want a relationship like Blair and Chuck
19. I want to inspire young girls to be themselves and be confident in what they want to do in life
20. I'm a Mummy's girl..I love my mum more than anything and I would not be where I am today without her support and guidance. 

I hope you have enjoyed this :) 

Amina Natasha


Friday, 24 October 2014

What Has Happened In 4 Months

Hello Lovelies,

I'm sorry that I have been away for 4 months, it has been quite stressful and I have not been in the right frame of mind to write up a blog. I hope you understand.

So what happened within the 4 months...

1. I finished my A-levels and got my results on 14th of August. I am happy with what I have achieved however I was disappointed in one of my grades BUT I have moved on. I do not want to dwell on it too much. 

2. I have started College and I am studying Foundation Degree in Educational Practice. After I done my Foundation Degree I am hoping to do a Top Up so that it can become BA in Educational Practice. By doing this, means I get to see if I really want to become a Primary School Teacher or stay as a Teacher Assistant. 

3. At the beginning of August I went on Holiday with my younger sister. We went to Italy and visit our family out there. It was a lovely experience and we enjoyed ourselves. We go every year but this was our first time going during Summer time because we normally go during October. Here are a few pictures,

There has been some personal stuff that has gone on during the past 4 months but I just wanted to mention the most important ones. 



Thursday, 12 June 2014

No Posts Explained


I'm sorry I haven't written a blog post in 2 weeks. The reason why is because I have been busy revising and doing my last exam for my A-levels. HOWEVER I have now finished my exams and I will be able to write blog posts for you guys. I'm sorry again and hope you forgive me.

Good luck to everyone who are currently doing exam and I wish you all the best. Remember to keep calm and stay positive! That is seriously the way forward when you have exams. 

Thanks For Reading 
Amina xx

Thursday, 29 May 2014



So I'm new to the blogging world. I thought my first blog post should be something about me, so that you guys get to know me and a little introduction to what's in store to come. I was born and raised Muslim. During the summer I want start wearing the hijab and I thought I should do this Blog now so that you guys can see my transition. 

I have currently finished my A-levels and I am revising for my Exams that are coming up. I was studying Photography, Health and Social Care and Travel and Tourism. I really enjoyed photography because I love taking pictures and just capturing the best moments on camera. In September I will hopefully be going to Uni at Oxford Brooks to Study Primary Teaching Education. 

What's coming up on my blog my current skincare routine day and night, my tips on how I revise and also why I wanted to start wearing the hijab.

Thanks for readying!
Amina xx


Thursday, 6 March 2014


© Amina Natasha. All rights reserved.